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OI Tape

I don’t know about you friend, but my husband’s snoring causes so many sleepless nights. So when I found the non-toxic mouth tape from OI, I knew it was one of the better mouth tapes out there. The fact that my husband breathes through his mouth and snores – both negatively impact his health. I’ve even been spying on the way Easton and Nixon breathe, as mouth breathing in kids can cause crooked teeth, facial deformities – and even stunt their growth. In my husband, it can cause bad breath and gum disease. And if I’m not sleeping (because of his loud snoring), the number one thing I now need to add to my list is heart disease. Sleep is so important, friend – get some mouth tape and work on your health (in your sleep). If I can’t convince you, the OI Tape reviews will.

OI Tape
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