This blog is intended to be a quick list of 5 areas in which a busy, but holistically minded momma can make a big impact on the health of her family.
Stay tuned for the end where I share 20 FREE things you can do to impact the health and peace within your home.

1. Clean Drinking Water
My top recommendation for shifting into a healthier lifestyle is always going to be creating access to truly clean water. @pristinehydro was the easy choice for us when it came to clean water. They offer an under the cabinet option and a travel option. My husband was able to install our under-the-sink unit, but you could hire a plumber to install it to be sure it’s done correctly. Out of ALL of the water purifiers out there, why did we choose this system? First, there’s a 10-step filtration system that also remineralizes your water, which leads to point number 2.
It’s easy!! There’s no need to add mineral drops to your water (many purifiers remove them), or to structure the water; you just turn the faucet on and the water is ready to drink, remineralized, and structured for you! There is no need to structure it through other units and schlep it around from location to location.
Also, no need to constantly refill your pitcher. As far as maintenance goes, there is a filter you swap out yearly, another every 2 years, and the last every 3 years. Put a reminder in your calendar and you're set! For us we order our new filters every May and summer is our clean water kick-off!
2. Clean Food
Pivoting to whole food choices is instrumental in our health journey. I know that our economy is making this difficult right now, but what can you give up to make this a priority? Netflix? Starbucks? Manicures? Hair extensions? A new car? Designer bags? Vacations? Extracurriculars? I don’t know - that’s something you’ll have to decide within your family, but eating Whole Foods (meaning, not in a package, single ingredient foods, etc) will be a game changer for your family.
Practical Steps to Sourcing 'Clean' Food:
Check out to find local farmers who offer cleanly raised produce, meats, and dairy. Or to find sources nearby.
Consider growing your herbs, fruits, or vegetables. Barter or trade skills or items you have with friends who grow food or the farmers you meet. You can still enjoy delicious food and even desserts made with honey, maple syrup or dates instead of bleached, processed white sugar.
Companies that we love:
Wild Pastures for Meat
Azure Standard
Paleo Valley grass-fed beef sticks
3. Holistic Remedies
While learning about holistic remedies takes time, effort, and community, it’s important to begin thinking alternatively. Again, *NOT medical advice*, but simply encouraging you to use your resources to consider a holistic remedy the next time you need healing, versus going the route of the world, which is allopathy.
Allopathy is wonderful and I’m so thankful we have it for emergencies, but the vast majority of ailments can be treated at home.
Some modalities to consider learning more about are:
herbal tinctures
cellular regeneration
essential oils
red light therapy
The first holistic remedy we use daily in our home acts as preventative care and that is Above and Beyond Shop Organic Elderberry.
Elderberry is known as 'nature's medicine chest' and has been proven to prevent and/or shorten the length of the flu, to prevent/reduce seasonal allergies and there is even research that points toward supporting insulin resistance.

One of our favorite alternative healing tools is our red light! We love the BONCHARGE brand.
We also keep cough syrups on hand from Beekeeper Naturals.
When it comes to balancing cortisol levels and lowering inflammation through healing the gut-brain axis, we love the Amare 3-part supplement called the Happy Juice Pack to help busy mommas be more at peace, snap less at their kiddos and truly enjoy the gift of motherhood more and more.
4. Clean Body Products
Our skin is our largest organ. What we put on our skin is absorbed into our bodies and influences our overall health. Some of my favorite swaps have been:
Body wash: Aleavia
Skincare: Herbal Face Food
Shampoo and Conditioner: Rahua
Body oil: Primally Pure
Laundry: Truly Free
5. Time in Nature
Lastly, get some time in nature! Turn off the noise and get out into nature!
Sunshine and fresh air are free! They are gifts from God!
